Member-only story
World I Know
Purchases for the office in a minute. Not fighting the home work are anymore, not even this stupid desk. 7:37 and the sun coming. up over one of the houses. It feels early. Not early enough. Jack and Emma up and are already with demands. Breakfast, a cartoon, soon I’m sure a blanket from upstairs and who knows what else. At least I have this, right now at the table.
Coffee pods, espresso pods…. what else do I need? Don’t think anything else. That may do it. Don’t want to think about money right now. Music…. That’s what I want. That’s all I want this morning.
Then the arguing starts. SHIT, SHUT UP!!! I only say in head. I also explain to them, in my head where no one but this crazy writer rides, “No one wants to read about kids and how they mess up the morning. SHUSH!!” Back to looking for music…. Arcade Fire. Haven’t listened to their work in years. Was introduced to them back int he Dutcher Crossing days, where I worked in the house, or “cottage” as we called it, having my own desk and just in front of me a guy who loved music. We’d talk about it throughout the day, sometimes on Fridays after work or during week at EOD we’d open beers and go. through playlists, look up new tracks. He’d introduce me to acts and bands like AF and I’d show him some of my more recent findings.
I start writing a poem, or lyric, but then realize my tangent and scatter and stop. This is my…