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Have to leave in a bit for networking meeting. Another full docket ahead of me. Pinot tasting tonight but I don’t anticipate having too much wine, of course, as tomorrow another like-meeting. 7am again. Was up this morning at 5, and that still feels late. 6:08 now and will be out door right at 6:30 or a touch after. Still waking, not letting self think at all just write and move into and all about the day.
Need to write letters, more letters. Much of how I’m standing out now in this new position is not entirely the work I’m doing going out there and hunting prospects and networking with IT people but the tireless relay of information and minute-by-minute beat of my beat. Really began appreciating that even more than I already do, did, when supervising the Field Sales Team. How each door was an opportunity, a learning invitation, and a possibility for growth and education of not just myself and the Rep, the Leads, but principally. More happiness and productivity, canvassing this morning and the moments entail when up early, earlier.
On the A Train, with Duke Ellington listening to his track. Feel something in this day, now. Was told that this morning’s arrival and stay there goes toward hours for day, which really means nothing as what I do now is running my own business, and after meeting with a guy yesterday morning at 9, also names Mike, my own agency. He’s the Channel Manager which is a position I don’t quite understand but involves proverbial connectedness and networking, a cosmos-sized network of allies and partners, affiliates and associated factions. Again, I don’t quite get it, but I love it whatever it is. Whatever I think it is, imagine it to be.
Still learning. That’s the reality I more than more than love.