Member-only story
Day 30/100
Not yet starting the day but now getting into my seat, with the latte. Develop Self from new productivity approaches. This AE life is solving everything. Yesterday was commended for my performance. I appreciated it, but was closed in celebrating my numbers with them. The aim, as I told Mark the Director this morning is to perpetuate and amplify what I’m doing. To be one of the top producers… A Janelle, a Shannon, a Gabe, a Lincoln. I know it takes time, I know.. but who’s to say I can’t get there quicker?
Friend this morning posting that she got to gym incredibly early, and put up some crazy calorie kill count before daybreak. Think I’m going to get to bed earlier, a religion now. Make it nonnegotiable. MY startup idea, which of yet has no name or moniker, proverbially demands the earlier than early wake. How else can I develop not only MY Self but the identity of the startup itself.
BloggingOnBloggingOnBlogging ….. Possible startup name or idea, something. Right now, this time of morning, everyone around me already going… me too, typing as fast as I’m able, telling myself to NOT sell internet and phone, and not even self. Don’t SELL… build conversations, meet people, get to know their stories and write them, each narrative and character. In my meeting with the retired wedding planner the other day, Robin, who owned her own business for years urged me to press and impress, STRESS, what separates me from others. I translate as others inside and outside the company. Who else is doing what I do and an English Professor, devout lunch…